Triguard SC300E
Triguard SC300E is a Triple Modular Redundant safety controller from ABB ABB's Triguard SC300E is the evolution of 20 years of combined vendor and customer experience integrated into the design of the ultimate TMR product. Building on a proven platform, the Triguard SC300E combines features that will maintain excellence well into the future.
Simple to use, operate, and maintain
The Triguard SC300E functions as a single set of hardware and software. The three processors and triplicated I/O circuitry are transparent to the user.
- Fewer unscheduled stoppages
- highest availability, fault tolerant electronics with transient immunity and 3-2-0 degradation
- Security for plant, product and people
- fail-safe operation at all levels provide plant, product and personnel with the highest security
- Quality data
- sequence of event and extensive diagnostics keep the operator informed
Triguard SC300E - Data
Fail Safe Operation
Failure modes of the processors, input/output circuitry and watchdog timer circuits are managed so that circuits will default to a predetermined safe state.
Highest speed of response
By using advanced processor technology, whilst maintaining the stability of the original core software, Triguard SC300E delivers and unrivalled scan time resolution of 10 ms.
High speed of response benefits the customer application which specifies Sequence of Events recording (SOE) without the cost of additional equipment. It also enables TMR to be used for applications requiring high speed advanced control.
Fault tolerant hardware and software
The system is designed to continue to operate correctly with the presence of a major component fault and is capable of tolerating multiple, non concurrent faults.
Triguard SC300E has been certified as suitable for SIL 3 and AK 6 applications according to IEC61508 by independent certification agency TUV .
TriLog SOE Recording, Logging Software TriLog is a message logger, designed to receive data from Triguard SC300E
- TriLog runs on a stand-alone PC
- Receives data from up to four Triguard SC300E System Nodes via a serial interface
- Accepts and stores sequence of events and alarm messages from each system
- TriLog has a menu driven interface
- Offers search facility through data, time and tag reference
- Windows are allocated to display time and date together with current and archived information from each system
TriCommand Operator Interface MMI
TriCommand is an operator workstation for Triguard SC300E, which provides real time system control and monitoring facilities.
TriCommand can operate as part of a Triguard system in a single station configuration, or as multiple TriCommand stations for distributed applications. TriCommand workstations can be connected to a Triguard SC300E system via peer to peer, single, or dual serial communication links, networked via single or dual redundant LANs.
- Based on Wonderware's InTouch products
- Runs on Windows NT 4.0 and later
- A real time database of up to 32,000 I/O points which can be mapped to field or virtual I/O points
- Multi-level security access
- Real time alarm and event logging with trending and data analysis
- Real time and historical trends with graph, bar chart, or histogram
- Multi-station networking - token bus, deterministic
Services & Training
Learn more about the services and training courses offered by the ABB Safety organization.
Services ABB personnel worldwide will provide a number of safety-related services. Examples of these are:
- Risk Assessment
- Compliance upgrade studies
- Project management
- System Integration
- Contract Specific Documentation
- Maintenance Contracts etc.
Extensive training programs for both engineers and operators are available at our safety center. Primary training facility is in Oslo, Norway, but training can be performed elsewhere if required. For further information contact the safety center using the contact information in the page linked below.